Since last summer I’ve been working on a new musical.
It’s a story about a guy from Mexico who is undocumented. He’s able to stay in the USA by working as an informer for the FBI. And then he meets a gringo and falls in love.
The composer’s name is Ian Brandon. He’s done some work on the West End, and I like his style. Mostly old-school traditional show tunes, the kind with which I was reared. With an occasional bit of flair.
It still doesn’t have a perfect title. I hate giving titles to things I write — it always reminds me of when I was an ad copywriter and everything had to be cute or a pun or a play on words or else the audience *gasp* might not click the gold button.
At first we played with the idea of doing an 80s-synth pop sound, since that’s a decade of music that Ian and I share in common. We thought about calling it “New Romantics,” but that title never really inspired me much (and we ditched the synth-pop stuff anyway.)
So now that it’s almost done, what do we call this thing?